Our Services

Natural Plasterers
Applying old-world techniques & sustainable, earth-friendly materials, our plasterers treat your house as functional art. We do custom built-ins, niches & architectural reliefs, & offer a wide range of plasters & finishes.

Straw Bale Builders
Energy efficient, healthy, natural, fun, artistic and even fire resistant. What more could you wish for your home or cottage? Building commercial or office space? Consider our straw bale walls for most every need.

Permit-Ready Plans
Want to design your own custom strawbale dream home? Prefer purchasing building permit and construction-ready plans? Give our in-house designer a call. She'd be happy to work with you to design a healthy, energy-efficient strawbale house!

Strawbale Consulting
Sometimes it's wise to have an experienced contractor review your project. We come to your site with our years of straw bale construction experience and show you what you're doing right - and what you may be doing wrong!

Turnkey Construction
Haven’t the time or interest to oversee construction of your strawbale dream home yourself? Our parent company Evolve Builders Group can take care of all of your green building needs, with impeccable quality - on time and on budget every time.

Specialty Products
Tenax plaster mesh, stitching needles, fiberglass-framed windows, eco-friendly paints and more. Our straw bale specialty products are available cash and carry in Guelph, or shipped directly to sites across Ontario. Call today for details.