Sometimes you need someone to review and analyze your plans and show you the best path to completing a straw bale structure.
Full Construction Consultation
We love to help people build their own natural, healthy spaces. We lend you the benefit of our construction experience – the practical nuts and bolts of it all. Consulting with us will save you time and money by casting a learned eye on your plans and job site. Our capable straw and plaster lead hands are available, by chance or appointment, to assist you with important details.
Would you like additional, more detailed construction consultation? Plans interpretation, provision of written recommendations, review of construction details, assessment of subcontractor bids and other consultation all can be performed by phone, email or on-site.
Contact us for more details or to make arrangements.
Having friends, family, neighbors and other volunteers is a fun, cost-effective way to build straw bale walls.
We can facilitate the wall-raising to maximize use of your volunteers’ time and ensure the correct construction of this key component of your house. Later site visits can be arranged to follow up on your work to ensure proper preparedness for plastering. With prior arrangement, you can have a direct line to the cell phone number of one of our key guys, so that you have access to timely information the moment you stumble on a new question.
Now your enthusiasm, dedication and energy can be supported by our trusted expertise.
Plaster Preparation & Application
While straw details can sometimes be extrapolated from good written reference material, the art of plastering on the other hand is highly experiential. Our skilled staff can either lead a volunteer crew, provide you with guidance and mentoring or simply observe your preparation and work in order to provide helpful suggestions and ensure mistakes are avoided.
Try your own hand at the rewarding act of plastering without the risks inherent in not having your own experience.