Straw Bale Books and Magazines
Natural Home Magazine
Resplendent with ideas, product offerings and inspirational pictures of all varieties of “greening” a home or office, this magazine is bringing green mainstream.
“More Straw Bale Building”
By my friends Chris Magwood, Peter Mack & Tina Therrien (New Society Publishers) this book is the ideal edu-tainment. Both informational and a fun read, it is written by Canadians with an important northern climate focus. Look closely and you will spot several of our older projects amidst its pages.
“Design of Straw Bale Buildings”
From engineer and author Bruce King (Green Building Press) supplies annecdotal evidence and research findings to respond to a vast array of technical questions. Recommended for inclusion with permit applications to plans examiners without experience reviewing straw bale building plans.
The Last Straw Journal
An online journal with in-depth articles penned by strawbale home owners, builders, designers and researchers. If looking for a regular fix and the most recent learned experiences of working with straw, this is your premier source. Back issues of the former print version are available on CD-ROM.
The New Straw Bale Home
By Catherine Wanek of Black Range Films. A perfect coffee table type book with wonderful pictures and inspirational stories of owners and builders across Canada, the U.S. and Europe.